Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Place to be on October 9 and 10

Speakers discuss Middle East

Published: Wednesday, September 2, 2009 3:23 PM CDT
In trying to share information about Palestine or attempting to talk about human rights violations against Palestinians, I encounter objections: “I won’t talk about Palestinians as long as Hamas is throwing rockets. Israel has a right to defend itself.” That’s the old trick of changing the subject.

I want to talk about Palestinians and Israelis who want peace and want to get on with their lives without trepidation; the opposition wants to bring up the worst aspect of the resistance to end the conversation. The result: deadlock, intransigence. We talk past each other. Isn’t 60 plus years of this enough?

You can read about not ending this world-affecting battle opined by those who benefit from keeping the fray going. Palestine, however, is still the issue. On Oct. 9 and 10, those in Cedar Falls who want peace in the Holy Land will host some of the most articulate and internationally recognized speakers on the circuit. Amesites who care even a wink about the situation have an opportunity here.

Take the time to drive 90 minutes up Interstate 35 and across on U.S. Highway 20 and learn first hand what the nonviolent peace and justice exponents can tell you. First speaker up is writer/analyst Phyllis Bennis, Institute for Policy Studies, in D.C., at 1 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 9. Phyllis and the event, in general, offer substance missing here in Ames where tit-for-tat argument keeps us confused and uninformed about reality on the ground.

If using U.S. dollars to help Americans at home rather than creating or abetting wars around the world matters to you, go to Cedar Falls on Oct. 9. Check it out at

Elizabeth Mayfield
